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Organisations and Clubs

The Dallinghoo Church Repair Fund (DCRF)

The Dallinghoo Church Repair Fund (registered charity number 803135) was formed just over 30 years ago as a non-religious organisation to help maintain and repair St Mary's Church so it would always be there for those in the parish and beyond to enjoy. It holds various fund raising events during the year. 

In 2020 an extensive repair programme was undertaken costing an estimated £105,000. This has been part funded by the DCRF and PCC together with grants and donations. Currently there is a shortfall of £23,000 to complete repairs.

There is a JustGiving web page for those who would like to make a donation at  https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/dallinghoochurch

For further imformation please contact the Chairman Mr Jeremy Quinlan, The Old Rectory, Dallinghoo IP13 0LA; 01473 737700; JeremyQ@tiscali.co.uk

Dallinghoo Relief In Need Charity (DRINC)

Dallinghoo Relief In Need Charity is an amalgamation of several smaller trusts that were set up over a 100 years ago. The trustees are able to offer small grants to Dallinghoo residents and Dallinghoo organisations. In the past the trust has provided funds for the much loved and much used Millennium seat in the village. Grants have also been given to the village hall and the playing field. Several students have received grants either in the form of book tokens or travel bursaries. Applications for grants are welcome. Everything is considered carefully and with discretion. Apply in the first instance to the secretary. Val Green, Jackamans, Dallinghoo, 01473 727421, email cliffval@btinternet.com


 Suffolk Mid Coastal Woodturners

WoodturnersThe club welcomes enthusiasts of all skill levels and meets on the first Thursday of every month in Dallinghoo Village Hall. The club organises demonstrations, social and training sessions.



Indoor Carpet Bowls

Indoor carpet bowls sessions are held from September though to April, alternate Wednesdays,7.30pm in Dallinghoo Jubilee Hall.No previous experience necessary, gentle exercise and
a chance to socialise, meet new people and enjoy friendly matches with other villages. For more information contact Cliff Green 01473737421 or cliffval@btinternet.com